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Elder Abuse Action Australia

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is an annual global recognition of the issues surrounding the physical, financial, and mental abuse experienced by too many of our older citizens.

Designed to raise awareness of elder abuse, the focus of WEAAD is to unite our efforts in stamping out the physical, financial, and mental abuse that too many of our older citizens experience. Elder abuse can take the form of psychological abuse, neglect, financial abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse.

Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA) is the national voice dedicated to ending the abuse and neglect of older people across Australia.

Following the release of the National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study, EAAA is appalled by the figures showing that 15% of older Australians reported being abused in the 12 months prior to being surveyed between February and May 2020.

Considering the number of Australians aged 65 and over, this equates to 600,000 people who are at risk or who may be experiencing a form of elder abuse.

Sue Leitch, EAAA Co-Chair shared these thoughts:

In the lead-up to WEAAD this June, it is a time to reflect on the 1 in 6 older Australians who are experiencing abuse now.

Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA) believes in the fundamental rights of older people to participate and be valued in our communities.

We are preparing for Turn up the Volume! the Australian Elder Abuse Conference which will be held in South Australia from 22 – 24 July 2024.  Pre-sale registrations will be available from 15 – 30 June 2023 on the Conference website.

The conference will herald a growing ambition to embed issues surrounding elder abuse into the conscience of the nation.

It will be designed to amplify the restlessness of a movement that expects lawmakers and the wider community to intensify efforts to end the scourge of elder abuse.

See me, hear me, back me

The conference will provide a platform to better support older people by listening to their stories, advocating for their human rights, and capitalising on the collective energy of attendees. We will hear from voices that reflect the true diversity of our nation.

Conference Ambassador

We’re pleased to announce that The Hon Dr Kay Patterson AO has confirmed that she will be our Conference Ambassador.

As Age Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Patterson’s strong involvement in issues affecting older people makes her the perfect choice for this role:

“I’m delighted to be the Ambassador for the Australian Elder Abuse Conference from 22-24 July 2024 in Adelaide.

The theme for the conference is Turn up the Volume! This is a rallying cry for all of us to raise our voices to create positive change and develop solutions to the challenges facing many older Australians.

This conference represents a crucial platform and reminds us that the quest for real and lasting change cannot be pursued quietly.

We must maintain an unwavering commitment to imagining and working towards an Australia that firmly rejects ageism and upholds the core principles of equality and fairness.

I invite you to join us in this effort by attending the conference, either in person or online, and be an active participant in building a more just, safer, and equitable Australia.”

Are you ready to make some noise?

Issues, ideas, and challenges raised during Turn Up the Volume! will encourage all delegates to continue their work, to drive change, and to be voices for action.

EAAA challenges ageism and discrimination and respects the agency of every person and is calling for everyone to turn up the volume for the principles of equality and fairness for all.

Co-Chairs Sue Leitch and Jenny Blakey are available for comment. Please email diane@eaaa.org.au for further information.

You can download the full media release here:

WEAAD media release FINAL
