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Elder Abuse Action Australia

2022 Australian Elder Abuse Conference. Stepping up Together.

The National Elder Abuse Conference (NEAC) is the only conference specifically addressing elder abuse in Australia.

NEAC brings together a diverse and highly engaged audience of individuals and organisations to: 

  1. share the stories and experiences of older people
  2. exchange the latest national and international research and evidence
  3. highlight programs and responses being delivered in Australia
  4. collectively lend their voice to end elder abuse

In 2019, EAAA announced it would become the organiser of the National Elder Abuse Conference and host all future conferences in partnership with a local organisation as conference co-host. 

In February 2022, EAAA and conference co-host COTA Tasmania presented the 7th National Elder Abuse Conference as a hybrid conference from Hobart, Tasmania. Over 400 virtual and in person delegates came together to attend the program of 70+ speakers across two full days.

Keynote speakers included:

  • The Hon. Dr Kay Patterson – Age Discrimination Commissioner and NEAC Ambassador
  • Philippa McDonald – Conference MC and Moderator
  • Nicki Hutley – Economist
  • Anna Bligh – CEO Australian Banking Association
  • Natasha Short – Managing Director Kimberley Birds
  • George Megalogenis – Author & Journalist
The National Elder Abuse Conference (NEAC) hosts and sponsors