ALARM stands for Aged-care Legal Advocacy & Reform Matter and is an incorporated organisation.
ALARM refers older Australians who have experienced abuse in aged care to legal assistance. Operating through a website and phone line, the service accepts complaints from residents and their families and where appropriate, puts them in contact with the organisation best placed to advise them.
This service is coordinated by a mix of passionate professionals and student volunteers. Coming together in 2020, ALARM was set up to respond to the unacceptable levels of abuse in aged care revealed by the Royal Commission.
These presentations outline ALARM’s mission and work undertaken so far and unpack the question of securing the welfare of aged care residents through litigation and systemic reform. The presentations are from:
Daniel Peet, a Monash law student volunteer for ALARM
Rodney Lewis is a full-time practising solicitor in elder law and elder abuse with Elderlaw Legal Services, Martin Place, Sydney.
Dr Eileen Webb, Professor of Law and Ageing in the School of Law at the University of South Australia.