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Elder Abuse Action Australia

Second National Plan draft released

The Attorney-General’s Department has released the consultation draft of the National Plan to End the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older People 2024-2034.  

We welcome the release of the second National Plan and applaud the Attorney-General on his continued commitment to ending the abuse and mistreatment of older people in Australia. 

EAAA is heartened by the clear human rights focus, a cross-portfolio approach, and a commitment to transparent monitoring and evaluation which should ensure accountability and measurable progress. The new National Plan is a significant step forward because it embraces key principles essential to addressing elder abuse effectively. 

EAAA’s Co-Chairs Sue Leitch and Diedre Timms shared their initial thoughts about the Plan: 

Sue Leitch: “The new National Plan is a framework that sets an ambitious vision of ending elder abuse, aligning with the broader National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children. Its 10-year term, supported by two detailed 5-year action plans, provides a strong foundation for sustained and impactful action. The inclusion of the National Plan Program Logic document is a valuable addition, as it connects activities to tangible outcomes, paving the way for meaningful change over the short, medium, and long term.” 

Diedre Timms: “By taking a human rights-based approach, combatting ageism, and prioritising the voices of older people and diverse communities, the plan appears to lay a strong foundation. Its focus on prevention, early intervention and person-centred, trauma-informed responses - while upholding individual autonomy and dignity – gives us hope that we are working towards meaningful and lasting change for older Australians. Realising this ambitious vision requires adequate resources and we trust the government acknowledges this and is committed to making the necessary investment.” 

The report from EAAA’s national consultation process is available on our website. Inputs from this consultation were submitted to the Attorney-General’s Department for consideration during their evaluation process. 

Over the coming weeks, EAAA will be evaluating the draft and connecting with our members to formulate a response.  

Download the full media release
